Original Item: Only One Available. Possibly the rarest and earliest P-1907 Bayonet in existence. An Original WILKINSON made and marked Hooked Quillon P-1907 Bayonet dated "10,08" for (October 1908). Showing "Crown" over "E.R." for King Edward the Seventh (1901-1910) plus acceptance with broad arrow markings, bright steel blade with original bluing to just a half inch of blue in front of hooked cross-guard.
Complete in virtually unique early pattern P-1907 long scabbard with unmarked blued standard top mount with tear drop frog stud and the exceptionally rare internal bottom mount fully covered by the scabbard leather all but the oval tip. The rear of the Scabbard marked in the leather with Broad arrow, acceptance markings under a faint crown and 08 date.
This is a very rare bayonet and scabbard incorporating features later abandoned with the coming of World War One. The 17" blade made this one of the most feared of Infantry Bayonets used in WW1 and this lovely untouched sleepy example is possibly one of the earliest ones in existence.