Secret Garden
We made a name for ourselves designing some of the best floral images in the nail art industry and putting them into our Collections - but we heard you loud and clear! You asked for it: the floral plate you've been dreaming about is here! Introducing: Secret Garden! We crafted some of the most delicate, most refined and petal-perfect designs into a plate made lovingly for our floral-loving fans! Not all flowers are created equally - not every flower is designed to fit inside your nail - instead they are meant to be positioned and draped over portions of your nail - to help you create a most perfectly coordinated stamped mani!
Technical stuff: The size of each plate is 9.5cm by 14.5cm and the plates in this collection have coordinating single images down the center and a few on the sides. The designs are engraved on the image plates and can be used over and over again - never wearing out. The nail art designs can be applied using nail polish, stamper & scraper